Max d’Exxila
Like all the young people of Exxila, a distant planet struggling with serious climate change, Max is forced to follow a two-year “citizenship” training, a sort of imposed initiation ritual. He finds himself in the capital with his friend Aya, where he realizes that the teachings they are given do not quite correspond to the reality he observes, and perhaps even serve to mask it… Curious and daring, Max decides to uncover the mysteries of Exxila.

Nearly a year has passed since the end of the world as we knew it. Jack follows the Saint-Lawrence River from Montreal towards Kingston to reach Main Duck Island, where his family has taken refuge. Many perils await him along the way, such as a bloodthirsty creature lurking around a community living under a dome. Can Jack defeat the beast? (French only)
Critique de La Presse
Plus on est de fous, plus on lit
Article Les libraires
Entrevue Radio-Canada

Une dent contre l’ordinaire
Do you believe there is a parallel reality in which the habits and customs of human society are perceived as an aberration? What would a fly say if you could hear it? And what is this idea of a digital pesticide? With its fourteen stories that are a little, a lot, or passionately strange, Une dent contre l’ordinaire takes readers into a host of situations that are sometimes funny, sometimes nostalgic, but always served by a fine sense of observation and a fruitful imagination. (French only)

The world’s food supplies and crops are ravaged by a new species of insect that operates until almost nothing is left to eat. Then, it turns to a new prey: humankind. It is Hell on Earth, nothing but misery, chaos, and desolation for the survivors. Can Jack and his roommates survive in the rubble of Montreal? (French only)
Critique du Journal de Montréal
Entrevue TVRS
Croquis littéraire TFO
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A new species of wasps is ravaging the world’s food supplies and crops. When there is nothing left to eat, humans become the new prey. Illustrations: Hicham Absa. (French only)